Flexible and Adaptable
We know what we do best, beyond this we partner with a trusted network of specialists, from architects and fabricators to copywriters and developers. Every project is different and we build teams to fit the specific needs.
think twice
We find the true essence of a brand, removing confusion to focus on the essentials. Creating clear and bold communication that makes sense and gets noticed.
design for bold brands
Through brand expression and visual communication we help brave organisations, ambitious startups and inspired individuals challenge convention, disrupt markets and build audiences.
Simple is better
Simple design is the result of complex thinking, so all projects begin with clear strategy, thorough research and careful planning. We only put pen to paper once we have.
Whether we are familiar with your market or if you feel strongly connected with design is not what matters most. The only thing that really matters is that we are both ambitious. Studio Dumbar creates benchmarks for a diversity of clients: business, government, culture or non-profit.

Art direction for BCN Modernisme
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GALIANO STUDIO IS formed of creative directors Thomas Austin and Thomas Coombes, plus a wider circle of collaborators and specialists.
Huge thanks to Animaticss who has made this web possible with their amazing coding and programming skills.
Félix Ruiz
Marga de Rojas
Familia Studio
Josep Muñoz