Don Quijote
Art Direction
Art Direction
Silver Laus 2018
Don Quixote is very hard to read: it’s quite long, boring, outdated and it’s written in old Spanish.
The intention of this magazine is to modernize Cervantes’ classic and make it attractive to younger publics, placing it out of context using photography and typographic variations.
Silver Laus 2018

Editorial concept
Art direction and editorial concept are based on the mental distortion and inconsistency of the main character.
He maximizes or minimizes everything and everyone according to his interests. Seeing life in black and white, just believing nothing but his own delirious truth.

To surrender dreams, this may be madness.
Sancho Panza

Magazine format
To foster its reading and comprehension, the complete novel would be divided into 12 magazine issues; this is number 1.